Monday, March 10, 2014

A Rant: The Expanded Universe

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is on Netflix now, and that gets me to thinking about Star Wars Episode VII.

With all the rumors surrounding this movie, and all the talk about Fisher, Ford, and Hamill being in them has me extremely worried.  All I can hope is that it is all a ruse!  How can someone like J.J. Abrams, who is a fan himself, not listen to the actually fans.  If Disney chooses to completely ignore the Expanded Universe I will be pissed!  To ignore the E.U. would be a huge mistake, and I have this feeling they are going to do it anyway. 

How can you not make Thrawn!  Adam Driver has supposedly been cast to play the villain, and while he is young, I imagine him with Blue Face Paint and looking like a Chisse and it gives me hope.  Then I hear Fisher say she is going to London to work on SW, and I just get so frustrated!

I feel like the fans who get all bent our of shape about Han shooting first, but seriously we have put so much time and effort into the E.U. just for Disney to completely destroy the canon it created.  I understand there are changes that need to be made when translating books to film, but if anything they better get the families correct!  UGH...  I know I am all over the place here, but I really needed to get this rant out, the closer they get to filming and the less confirmation we are getting regarding the story, is getting to me...

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