Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Best Christmas Movie

If you ask most men what there favorite Christmas movie is the answer will likely be Christmas Vacation; while the movie is fantastic I can only rate it at number 2.  For me the best Christmas movie of all time (for men) is Die Hard.

That's right, Die Hard.  The movie is a very special Christmas story of how John McClain saves Christmas at the Nakatomi tower.  It's a feel good movie about a husband who is lost without his family but doesn't know how to get them back. 

McClain flies to LA to see meet his wife at her company Christmas party, but while he is in her office the party is spoiled the ultimate Grinch, disguised as terrorist Hans Gruber.  Hans wishes to destroy Christmas for the people at Nakatomi, but McClain is there to prevent that from happening and at the end of the day gives the Nakatomi Christmas Grinch (Gruber) the one thing the every who and whoville should have done.  He drops him of the top of Mt. Crumpet (Nakatomi Tower), thus providing the people with a happy ending by saving the day from a common thief that wants to be a terrorist, and giving his wife and Children a very happy Christmas.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why Just Books???

Well, there has been a seriously lack of activity on this site.  Obviously because we all have lives that at the end of the day don't involve writing pointless information in a blog, especially if we haven't had the time to read anything in order for it to be discussed, so I got to thinking...

Why just books?  I understand the reason when we started, but we have more interests that conclude with some fantastic discussions about everything ranging from sports to TV to politics.  So why not have broader discussions about anything that might be on our minds or that we need to get off our chest.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Here's to the Death of the E.U.

As I am getting over the fact that Lucas Film will be re-canonizing the Star Wars Universe with Episode VII, I want to show an illustration of everything that has been written 4 ABY and after (Post Return of the Jedi).  All of this work can effectively be non-canonized once Episode VII is released and we understand what the story is.  Now that my nerd rage is starting to subside, I realize that we will be getting new stories out of this, and I feel like there is plenty of content that can be used for the future.  My hope is that the new Star Wars Canon will take what is the best out of this to make it their own. 

The best thing I need to remember to take out of this is, Disney plans to make Star Wars movies yearly, keeping the canon mainly in film and television.  They are very capable of this, and considering they already have plans for the Marvel Universe that extend at least until 2028, I'm confident that even though the original trilogy will have always stood the test of time, its great to see that new SW films and books will be created for my children and their generation, but unfortunately we must bid farewell to the E.U. as we know it...

So here is the ABY EU in all of it's glory, may it never be forgotten and live on as mythological stories about a Galaxy Far Far Away.